Friday, 23 August 2013


A Lecture delivered at Celestial Church of Christ, Arch Diocesan headquarters, Ijaye Parish, Abeokuta on 14th August 2013 on the occasion of the 50th year Anniversary Celebrations by Superior Evangelist (Dr.) Emmanuel O. Adewale (JP) C. C. C. Apete, Ibadan

Fifty years is GOLDEN and important enough for any organization, group or individuals to flash and wonder how one is fairing. So I bless God for putting it in the minds of the organizers to call for a gathering like this. I equally rejoice with Celestians in Ogun State for the journey so far. In the course of this discussion, you will see that the lives of the patriarchs of old have not been wasted. I recognize them all.
The objectives of this lecture are to trace the historical trend of the growth of Celestial Church of Christ in Ogun State, examine whether or not the church has sufficiently justified her existence and to see how she can meet the requirements of modern life in this millennium.
As one of the early arrivals of the foremost African instituted “Aladura” Churches, Celestial Church of Christ was founded in September 1947 at the Republic of Benin. Since then, the church has been growing in leaps and bounds beyond human imaginations. In the early 50s, the Church proliferated at a significant high rate through the West Coast of Africa. Hence, the coming of the Church to Nigeria in 1952 was not a surprise because of the cross border business transactions bringing Beninese to the coast of Lagos, Nigeria.
The Premier Parish of Celestial Church of Christ in Nigeria eventually found herself in Makoko area of Lagos state. The evidence of Christ in the church and the genuine manifestations of testimonies emanating from Makoko parish helped in spreading the gospel which resulted to the rapid establishment of other parishes in the main cities of the then western region of Nigeria. Cities like Ibadan, Abeokuta, Ijebu Ode, Ilesa, Osogbo,Akure, Ondo, Ado Ekiti and Benin were some of the foremost cities that benefited from this early expansion. To the glory of God, Celestial Church of Christ came into existence in Ogun state in 1963 (about 50 years ago) with her first parish at Ijako, Abeokuta.
Committed Celestians like late Most Senior Evangelist S. O. Sobowale, Odewole, Cole, Oguntoyinbo e.t.c. who were natives of Egbaland but who had enjoyed the grace of God of Celestial whilst worshipping in Makoko considered it necessary to spread the good tidings to Abeokuta. Before long, a kind of house fellowship of the Church started in late Sobowale' s house at Oke Ilawo Abeokuta. Later a church building was erected at Ijako area of Abeokuta. Consequent to intimidations from land owners around, the altar of the church had to be moved to the present Ijaye parish. The role of personalities like the then prophetess Sobande (a. k. a mama Trinity) in providing landed properties for the church was significant. Hence Ijaye parish became the first parish in Abeokuta and the whole of Ogun State.
As people moved out of Ijako, some others with the leadership of late Senior Evangelist M O Adekanmbi established Iyetedo parish and others left to establish Ibara parish in Abeokuta with late Akomoje as the first shepherd. Baba Oguntoyinbo remained in Ijako and the building structures still exist till date. God started moving and parishes began to spring up around Adatan, Totoro,etc. As at 1989, parishes of Celestial Church of Christ in Abeokuta and environ numbered up to 175! As at now, the parishes of the church in Ogun state alone is running into multiples of hundreds.

Kanu Ikechukwu Anthony, in his book titled; THE CHURCH AND THE POLITICS TODAY, categorized the development that the church can contribute to the community into six categories. These categories include: Social Justice, Humanitarian services, prophecy, peace, morality, education and economic development.
God's intention for the world is made clear in the constitution of the church as per the injunction given to the Pastor Founder i.e to wipe the world of ALL AFFLICTIONS and to preach and prepare the world for THE SECOND COMING OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Times without number, Celestial Church in Abeokuta has being living up to the responsibility of providing adequate humanitarian services to the general populace with special attention paid to the needy.
From the time of ancient Israel till now, prophecies have always been very important in helping leaders and authorities in government to plan for the future. On many occasions, the body of Celestial church of Christ in Abeokuta, like in other places, has contributed immeasurably to forecasting, prophesying and to the fulfillments of long term visions for the people and leaders of Ogun state.
This feat has always been achieved through the counseling and prayers often offered to the members of the populace when they come for consultation and or to the community in private and public. Records have it that Celestians used to converge at the king’s palace (Ojude Oba) to offer prayers publicly for the entire community yearly. Also, the yearly Easter outreach of the church in Abeokuta is believed to be yielding significant positive results.
The population of the south-western part of Nigeria, especially Abeokuta in Ogun state is known for its heterogeneity. This heterogeneous population is often made up of a mixture of Muslims, Christians, traditionists and atheists. Over the years, the church has played a mature role in maintaining peace in her domain by settling all rifts amicably without giving any chance for such crisis to escalate beyond control. The domestic crisis of 1975-77 when people were beheaded, maimed and killed to the embarrassments of the community around the present Ijaye area is a case to be cited. The quick intercessory prayers of ''Cele'' exposed the perpectrators, fears were allayed, and normalcy was restored. Consequently, the growth of the church enhanced peace to reign though the Egbas are generally well known to be peace loving and they accepted Celestial Church of Christ whole heartedly.
Celestial Church of Christ is famously known for her strict adherence to religious doctrines that have the capacity of promoting righteousness and decency. These set of biblical doctrines have an indirect positive impact in the lives of some dwellers. The supply of adequate standard education to the public by the church and some of her members who are proprietors or head teachers of schools have induced high moral standard in the citizenry. This is hastened by the strict adherence of members to the rules, tenets and doctrines of the church that are character building and modelling in nature.
The provision of schools, building of shops, inauguration of businesses and the construction of residential buildings by members of the Celestial Church family at Abeokuta has contributed immensely to the economic status of the city as a whole. In other words, it is easy to conclude that the church has been acting as a strong wheel pivoting the growth and development of the community in general. Buying and selling, transport business and the like often cluster any area where Celestial Church of Christ parish springs up. The church could therefore be seen as an organ of socio- economic development.

Disunity is a cankerworm that has the ability of eating deep into the wheel of progress of any institution. Just like the parental body, Celestial Church of Christ in Abeokuta has also suffered the same fate in the hands of these problems created by the disunity in the fold. We can recall that up to year 2000; love, togetherness, fear of God, respect for elders, communal living among others characterized the Church so much that other denominations felt threatened.
The Church was actually powerful in all sectors of the economy. All you needed that time was to have a prayer gown (sutana) and know how to chant Halleluyah. Then all the essentials of life- food, shelter, job etc are guaranteed because there is always somebody in the church who will be willing to look after you as a Celestian brother. But immediately Papa (Pastor Founder S. B. J.Oshofa ) left, things turned for the opposite. The case became worse with the demise of His eminence Rev. Pastor A. A. Bada. The number of landlord shepherds started increasing, power tussle crept in, the love of money was gaining ground and everybody was on his own, to say the least. Consequently, the center lost (or is losing) control with the exodus of members to other 'modern' churches was increasing at an increasing rate.
Unlike many orthodox churches, Celestial Church did not rise up to the responsibilities of providing educational institutions for the citizens of the state. If this has been done in the early days, it would have cemented the establishment of the church in the community and provided a better way by which the church can easily impact people in her immediate environment.
The Church became the easiest place for anyone to set his own ''business center’’. Sorry, l mean parish. Like one will expect, signs and wonders are no longer as spontaneous as in the good old days. Shepherds are impatient to be trained and/retrained. Titles with no corresponding anointing are around the corner.
Despite the high level of success recorded by the Church here at Abeokuta, it is worthy to note that the church would have recorded more successes if it were to be that a standard leadership structure has been put in place from the beginning. At the moment, a lot of mushroom parishes have sprung up with strange doctrines. This development is highly regrettable.
Sustainable Leadership Training is another important tool that can contribute to the rapid development of an institution. This was also missing at the early stage of the establishment of the Church in this state. Even the disciples of Jesus were exposed to certain periods of training before becoming independent. But with our shepherds, all that is needed is to either be a prophet or have a relationship with a rich or affluent man. Before eyes are opened, a land is ready and a new parish is born with little or no allegiance to the center. The driver of such parish has no seminary exposure. How can they give what they don't have? Hun un! After all, a parish cannot be better than her shepherd/leader. Show me a Bible believing shepherd, and then the worshippers will be lovers of the Word of God.

4.1. A Call for Unity: Any house that is divided against itself can never stand. Now that the church in this state is at the golden age of 50, it is highly expedient for all stakeholders in the Church to sheath their swords and embrace unity which will definitely give direction for progress. This will not only help the church at the moment, it will also leave a worthy legacy for our children to work upon tomorrow.
4.2. Re-organization of Church structure: while it is likely beyond the capacity of the Church at the state level to change the general hierarchical structure of the Church, it is quite possible for us to make even distribution of posts and reshuffles where necessary. There is a need for the Church organization to be restructured in order to allow for effective planning that will help the church to fulfill her objective of cleansing the world.
4.3. Effective Leadership Training: existing Leadership training structures like Celestial Bible Institute should be extended to the grassroots and monitored for effective delivery. It should be adequately funded and upgraded to meet up with other theology institute. Also, the traditional shepherd-mentoring schemes where laymen are duly trained under experienced shepherds should not be neglected.
4.4. Introduction of Visionary Leadership: the world is changing and there is a need for the Church to set the pace in these changes so that we will not be forced to conform to the pattern of the corrupt world. Hence, the church leaders should be compelled to write down their objective plans and design a means of achieving our short and long term goals.
4.5. The center: This is the managing organ of the church. It includes the office of the pastor and supreme head, the pastor in council, and Board of Trustee. Every step that will make this authority to be influential on the parishes under them should be considered necessary. Proverb 27 :23 says ''be thou diligent to know the state of thy flock, and look well to thy herds''. The center should play significant role in the financing of new parishes. The welfare of the parishes and the workers should be the concern of those in authority. He who plays the pipper ... Pragmatic steps should be taken here to build schools, health centers (if not hospitals) and university. People perish for lack of knowledge not lack of money or miracles. Standards are better set and discipline maintained
4.6. Inter-parish relationship: Activities like lectures, symposia, Quiz, debate, football competition etc among parishes will promote unity than discord. Religious and educative Shows that will bring the reminiscence of the past should be jointly organized at all levels (Jer. 6:16).
4.7. The Youth: Youth empowerment and enlightenment programmes should be sponsored by all authorities. Scholarships at various levels should be encouraged. The activities of the youths must be well monitored by the center .

One thing is evident; Celestial Church is a Church of the Lord and the Spirit of the Lord has not departed from it. However, there is a need for us to be very careful at this period so that we will not end up frustrating the grace of God over our ministry. Let us all rise up to the challenge of moving forward by re-positioning ourselves to hear instructions constantly from God and let’s put in our best by sacrificing all that can hinder our progress. If we can achieve "so much" at this turbulent time, how much do you think we will achieve when we put our house in order?
I choose to celebrate with this parish today because of my knowledge of your past, my awareness of your desire to move forward and most importantly because of my faith in your glorious future.
Long live Celestial Church of Christ, Ijaye Parish!
Long live Celestial Church of Christ, Ogun State!!
Long live Celestial Church of Christ Worldwide!!!

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