Wednesday, 14 August 2013



1.       Begin by leaving love notes occasionally when you go to work on places she can find them.

2.       Phone her from office or work place just to tell her how much you love her.

3.       Keep on making dates with her throughout the marriage.

4.       Help her with domestic works at times. Women enjoy when their husband do that to them.

5.       Don’t run down her parents or family members. Give them the benefit of doubt just as you would like her to do to your family members.

6.       Keep your own private calendar of the special day of your relationship and plan special surprises celebrations.

7.       After she spent a hard day on the stove, serve her the meal. Let her sit and enjoy the food as you serve her in love.

8.       Some weekends, write “lets go to the amusement park or to the beach, just the 2 of us” on a slip of paper, stick it in a small box and wrap it. Present it to her with a kiss at breakfast.

9.       Stay aware of special things she enjoys doing and take the initiative to do those things together.

10.   As you pray together, take her hand and thank God for giving her to you as a wife.

11.   If you like her outfits tell her, it makes her look good.

12.   Accompany a surprise gift with “because I love you” not because you did such and such for me because I want to get on with you tonight.

13   Phone her when she delayed in coming home from work or when taking a business trip

14   Phone her well in advance of inviting a friend home for dinner and “ASK” her, don’t tell her.

15   Accompany her when she goes grocery, shopping especially if she must go at night.

16  Praise her, tell others what you appreciate about her (Prov. 31) Don’t stop complementing your wife.

17   Support her in the discipline decision she must do. If she made a disciplinary decision while you are away, don’t contract her when you come in the presence of people.

18   Open her car door for her (even if she “will be doing the driving).

19   Help seat her at the dinner table after you have seat her give her a kiss on her chuck and whisper  I Love you , when kids see these things happen when respect for mum will zoom.

20   Open doors for her letting her enter first.

21   when walking with her walk on the most hazardous side.

22   Never speak negatively of her to another person in her presence or in her absence. Anything

Undesirable in the woman you love is strictly between you and her and should be whisked  out in loving and honest common comment with each other.

23   Endeavour to express your anger towards a bad situation on a way you will not destiny your relationship but anger itself is not bad if its properly handled.

24   Practice genuine love to your wife but jealousy, envoy, and bitterness will push her away rather than drawing her close.

25   in the midst of personal or family crises don’t waste energy trying to figure out why, but use your energy creatively and know the solution that will follow.

26   For women emotional love waves before physical loving a wife likes affection even when you had nothing to do with sex.

27   When your wife ask how do I look be more specific their fire. How about I like the way you did your hair today use the colour of your blouse really makes your eyes sprinkles.

28   Something’s giving your wife a simple hug or holding her in silence tell her more than words came say.

29   Tell your wife on a regular basis I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

30   Marriage is the best place to alter bad habits of offensive behavior. Ask your wife if there is anything you do she prefer you didn’t do.   




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